Monday, April 23, 2007


We had our first sonogram today at 18 weeks 6 days. It was awesome!

We got to see all four chambers of the heart, a great view of the spine, a full baby bladder (not just my bladder), and the baby tried to talk to us! Really the baby was just opening and closing its mouth but I like to think "hi, mom and dad" came out!

Our diagnosis was "WNL" or within normal limits for those of us not in the medical field. The measurements show that the baby weighs 11 ounces which calculates at the 89th %ile. Looks like we're on our way to a big baby! The heartbeat has slowed down to 146 beats per minute so the old wives tales have been thrown for a loop!

Our other great news is that the baby's cousin Ava was born on April 16! On Saturday we drove down to AR to meet her. She is very sweet and seems to be treating her mom and dad well.

Wednesday, April 4, 2007

16 weeks

I can't decide if I feel the baby or not. It seems like the little twinges I feel should be kicks but then again, I just don't for sure. Everyone thinks I am so "in tune" with my body but some days, I don't feel quite that connected! Hopefully I will soon be up to speed.

We got our first official baby gift this week from our friends Danny and Michelle and their baby girl Mia. They sent us a play gym that Tommy has already tried out. We'll post pictures soon. It is great and we can't wait for the baby to come and enjoy it.

Nothing too eventful has happened over the last few weeks. We went to the doctor on Tuesday and were in and out in record time! We are trying to decide what kind of birth classes to take so anyone with advice should share it!

Our sonogram is scheduled for April 23! Don't get your hopes up because there will be no reveal after the sonogram - we aren't finding out the sex of the baby!