Lori asked if we would come to Minnesota for the weekend to attend Eleanor's First Communion. As her Godmother, I wasn't going to pass up the opportunity. Tommy had to work on Saturday, so it was just me and the kids for a 6 hour drive (mind you, that is without stopping and I am no fool, I knew there would be stops).
I picked up the kids from school around 12:30 and loaded them into the car and off we went. The first two hours were realtively easy because I timed the start of the trip during nap time. Upon waking was when the fun began. Steven had on pull-ups and they really aren't too absorbant. Our first accident was pee pee; I had pulled off to get gas and that was when he told me. I got him out, changed him, put on some new shorts and we were back on the road in no time.
Then, about 30 minutes later Steven told me he went poo poo and I got to the next exit. I didn't even bother pulling into a parking spot for this one because I knew there was no way that I'd be able to handle him and Lyla in the bathroom for this change. I pulled to the edge of the truck parking lot, laid him in the grass and got out the box of wipes and a plastic bag for the discard pile. Vivid flashbacks.
After this event I knew better than to put a pull up back on him. Diapers it was until the end of the trip!
Our longest stop was at the McDonalds in Story City. We never eat at McDonalds, I don't think our kids even know what a Happy Meal is. Since they are such picky eaters I went straight for the yogurt. Steven loves it and this was Lyla's first try ... what a hit. Of course, we then had to order ice cream. Another big hit.

By the way, just because Lyla only has a little bit of fuzzy hair doesn't mean she is a boy. Look at the outfit she has on - how could anyone mistake that pink shirt and big strawberry for a boy?!?! As you probably guessed, another McDonald's customer called her a boy, ugh.