Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Big Boy Bed update

We only had one incident of waking by Steven last night!! And it wasn't even for a drink; I think he was disoriented and needed a little patting.

Lyla on the other hand! She is getting to be a little too sassy for her own good.

This morning when he woke up, he still called for us to come and get him. When I got in there he asked if he could get out of bed. I wonder how long that is going to last? I hope for a long time because I don't want him coming over to our room too early in the morning!

Monday, August 30, 2010

Big Boy Bed

We've been procrastinating.

Tonight we finally decided to turn Steven's crib into a toddler bed. We've been talking about it for months. He's slept in big boy beds at hotels, at the vacation beach house, at grandma's but for some reason we weren't quite ready to do it at home. He never seemed to complain about it so we didn't need to make the change.

However, the last few weeks have become a struggle. He won't fall asleep until he has a drink three different times. He wakes up multiple times because he is thirsty. And recently he is waking up to go potty. Now, I am not going to be naive and think that a big boy bed and his ability to go to the bathroom on his own (since there are no sides holding him in) is going to solve the night waking problem but maybe it will help a little bit?

So far he went to sleep without any extra drinks and I can hear snores sounding through the house. We'll find out by morning...

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Sunset Safari

Well, maybe not really a "Safari" but a really fun night at the Zoo!


Who says that you should carry books in your backpack? Why not your semi-truck matchbox car carrier? That is an essential back-to-school item for our son!

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Surprise Visit

My mom and dad have been on the most amazing summer vacation. They left Arizona in May to see us and then go to Minnesota for my nephew Matt's high school graduation. Then onto North Carolina for some beach time by themselves and then with our family. After that they headed north to Washington, DC. I thought this was their turnaround point but I got an email from dad a few days later and they were at Cape Cod, Gloucester (or however you spell it) and THEN Maine! Whoa. The freedom that retirement provides and the convenience of a house on wheels must be really fun.

Monday night mom called and said they were leaving Iowa and going to stop in Kansas City the next day to visit us. Wow. We had no idea were even on their way back let alone a few hours away.

So, I met them at the house in the afternoon and Dad went with me to pick up the kids. Steven was so excited to see the "surprise" in the car after I picked him up from pre-school. He was really happy to have Papa Gene to play with that night. And Lyla was loving the visitors, too. And even Tommy was surprised to see them. He completely ignored that I told him they were visiting the night before. So, when I called to tell him to pick up the order from China Toms he was quite confused.

What a fun evening!

Monday, August 23, 2010

Muffin Tin Monday

Continuing on my food creativity bent I decided to initiate our own version of Muffin Tin Monday. Again, not to the level of the Another Lunch blogger but I am new at this. Again, starting with the tools of the trade I found two silicone muffin "tins" for the kids to use. I felt this was a necessary item since Lyla isn't so fond of leaving her plate in one place during dinner. And then I had to get two because Steven can't be left out!

I must say that it was pretty fun putting the tins in front of the kids and seeing them get excited. This dinner was nothing new and really not very comprehensive in the nutrition category but we hadn't been to the grocery in awhile so this is what I had to work with. Now I need to add some more sandwich punches and cookie cutters so I can at least make the cheese look cute and maybe form the rice into authentic japanese rice balls. On second thought, I am not sure I am ready for that!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Bento Lunch

I have become an avid reader of other "mommy" blogs. So much so that might hit my "quota" time on personal and networking sites at work. Don't tell the boss!

One of my favorite blogs right now is Another Lunch. We have been fighting with Steven at dinner time so I was looking for creative ways to get good, fun food in front of him. Also, things that are quick and easy. Our schedule in the evening is going to be hectic again as Daddy starts his school year hours in a week or so. That leaves mommy to making, serving and eating dinner solo.

So, I picked up a few of the suggested tools of the lunch (dinner, in our case) trade. I have a sandwich punch in the shape of choo choo trains (really is there anything better for Steven?) and some silcone muffin cups. I don't have any Bento boxes but for now tupperware is making the cut. Our first Bento box adventure wasn't too creative but I am easing into it. I can say, however, that Steven ate ever morsel. Maybe we can make eating progress with a little creativity.

By the way, Dad, do you remember talking non-stop about Bento when you visited Grandma in Portland? Didn't Cousin Jen introduce you to this phenomenon? I bet those Bento boxes were a bit more authentic but it I find it funny how things come around in your life!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

No A/C!

It is just beautiful outside tonight; probably around 70 degrees. A/C is off and we are enjoying the sounds of nature in the city!

Locks of Love

Yesterday I took the plunge and had Cindy cut 10 inches! I feel like a new woman and I am proud that I can help a young person by donating my hair to charity.

Monday, August 9, 2010


After dinner Tommy took the kids outside to play while I cleaned up the kitchen. After playing in our neighbors rock path and running races up and down the sidewalk, Steven found a bacada casing on the ground. This is one word he has a tough time pronouncing - I wish I caught him talking about the cicada on video.

At first he only wanted to touch the back of the cicada's casing with one finger. Later he let down his guard and carried a couple around. Lyla's crushing grip on the first one we found might have pushed Steven - he didn't want his little sister to be holding one and not him!

It is so much fun to watch Steven and Lyla explore the world around them. Their reactions are so innocent and they try so hard to be a part of everything. I love that they are adventuresome especially in the great outdoors and even when it is a million degrees outside!

How to eat peas