We arrived at their house on Thursday night and settled in to the guest bedroom and sitting room for the kids. The space at their house was never-ending, there was actually room to move and places to put everyone! Someday we'll have a house that better accomodates guests!
Christmas Eve was fun, lots of playing with the cousins and eating of good food! In the afternoon we went to church in Ames. Tommy decided to come along with Lyla even though we knew she would be a handful - and she was. She is just not ready to sit still. So, Tommy took her to the narthex after the first song and I guess she threw a fit. It wouldn't have been that bad but they had overflow seating out there and those people weren't interested in her show. So Tommy decided to put her in the car, drive around and look at Christmas lights. Meanwhile, I was in the church with Steven where he sat still for awhile but then started to get antsy. I have a dry erase board in my purse for him to play with and he was thrilled when I pulled it out, until he somehow dropped the eraser cap and couldn't find it. He got on the floor and looked for it and I searched in my purse and under Papa Gene's coat. Then Papa Gene let Steven have his handkercheif to wipe the marker. Finally, the lady sitting behind us found it in her purse! A Christmas miracle!
Back at the Borts, we ate dinner (stuffed shells, yummy!) and gathered for gift opening. It was a lot of fun. The kids tore into their presents! Lyla and Steven got so many fun gifts from their cousins and grandparents. We were afraid all the presents wouldn't fit in the car on the way home! 

Emily then entertained us with a reading of 'Twas the Night Before Christmas.
After stories, the kids got ready for bed and Steven put out a cookie for Santa and a carrot for Rudolph. I don't think he understood what I was talking about but maybe he'll get it next year!
We woke up Christmas morning to find that Santa knew that we were in Iowa this year. Our stockings were full and presents were under the tree!
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